Our 100% Commitment

Over and over we are asked, “Is it true that 100% of donations go to medical research”? The answer is YES. 100% of every donation goes to medical research. There are no administrative costs. All costs for postage, printing, website development, etc., are paid for by the founders.
There may not be another charity that can make this commitment, therefore it deserves an explanation. Yes, the Children’s Gaucher Research Fund has expenses, and at inception we (Greg and Deborah Macres – founders of the CGRF) decided that we personally would pay for all administrative expenses. As you can imagine, this commitment motivates us to administer the CGRF with maximum efficiency.
First, we make an effort to minimize expenses and we are helped in this effort from volunteers who have offered their time and talent – printing newsletters – creating databases – creating this website – etc. – all, free of charge.
Second, we have set up two accounts:
1) Research Account — where all donations are deposited and from which all medical research is funded.
2) Administrative Account — where personal funds from Greg and Deborah Macres are deposited and from which all expenses are paid.
a) Conference — When the CGRF organizes a scientific conference, interested pharmaceutical companies will sponsor the event. These sponsorship funds are deposited into the Administrative account and all expenses for the conference are paid from the Administrative Account. If expenses for the conference exceed total sponsorships (as was the case in 2008) Greg and Deborah Macres personally deposit the necessary funds into the Administrative Account to cover the remaining conference expenses.
b) Corporate – On occasion a company will provide an administrative grant for a particular need, or may award an unrestricted grant that will be deposited into the Administrative account.
c) Individual – In 2009, a family who had recently lost their daughter to Gaucher disease offered to pay the cost of a full financial audit of the CGRF as a part of the federal requirements for CFC approval. The CGRF received a clean bill of health and was approved by the CFC in 2010.
100% of your charitable contribution goes to medical research, period.
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Our 100% Commitment”